
I Return Victorious! (And Some Cool Reads of 2011)

Hello Blog-O-Sphere, fancy meeting you here!  I’m so sorry that I have been away for such a long while. Since I last blogged life has been a series of ups and downs, of joys and pain.

For starters: That 91,000 word manuscript for Gestalt evolved into a 107,000 word novel which has been published by Twisted Library Press’ Sci-fi & Fantasy department. Shameless self promotion: Buy it here!

I won’t go into detail about the craptasticness (yes, it’s a word now) that has been my personal life, but suffice to say that this year hasn’t been the best personally.  At least I set out to accomplish my goal of completing GESTALT and beginning work on NOSTRUM while in the new apartment. That said; we are getting ready for yet another move to a new location. It’s a larger apartment which will be beneficial for the new addition to our family:

Meet Kieva! He’s a daddy’s boy.


I’d like to wrap up 2011 and bring in 2012 with the following:

Hoshi’s Top Reads of 2011
These are not necessarily books which have been published this year, but instead books that I have read this year which I enjoyed tremendously.

Everyone has at least heard of this book by now. But if you haven’t read this book series yet then drop what you are doing immediately, head to your local book store and get it. 
I mean it. 
I’ll wait.

Back? Good.
This dystopian series is gritty, vibrant and soul twisting all at the same time. Very few novels allow characters to just sort of pop off the page. This was one of those series. When I heard that it was being filmed I was super excited and cannot wait until the cast (Which seems to be pretty much on the nose) can finally bring these characters to life for real. Please, for the love of everything holy, read the books before you go see the film. Have your own vision of this world in your mind before you allow a random director do it for you.

Orson Scott Card has always been a favorite of mine, and in the vein of Ender’s game, he doesn’t disappoint with this promising new series which revolves around the incarnations and families of the gods of old. This is such a unique take on the system of magick and different abilities. It jumps from Danny’s story to the world of the gods and does a great job of intertwining the two. Without getting the reader too terribly lost or distracted. I was glad to hear that it was indeed going to be a series and not just a standalone piece because there is so much more characterization that can be explored which a single novel just couldn’t do.  Danny’s adventures are just beginning and it is clear at the end of this book that Orson Scott Card knows this all too well.

This is the third book in the Havemercy series. Like its predecessors, it is told in first person from the perspective of four different characters. This style is very difficult to write with quality, but somehow Jones and Bennett have made this their own style and it works out so well. It is set in a semi-steampunk fantasy realm and revolves around the Volstov and Ke-Han empires attempt to recover a downed dragon from the recent war. Spoilers could be abound if I say anything further, but this is another great addition to the Havemercy series and I highly recommend it. I adore this series and can’t wait until I have the time to dive into the next book.

Completely steampunk, completely fantasy and completely awesome. It was hard to pull myself away from it. I wish that the world was more developed in this one because she’s got a great concept but it just doesn’t seem like it’s as fleshed out as it could have been. At the same time, it’s only the first of what is currently four novels so she may be able to get into the nitty gritty of the world more with the follow-ups. All in all I dug the hell out of this book.
Oh, speaking of flesh: There are also zombies. You can’t ever go wrong with zombies.

I just realized that all of the above listed were in a series. How the hell did I find time to write this year?

Until next time,

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