All poetry has to rhyme/meter
Each piece of writing must have layers upon layers of meaning
You must follow grammar and punctuation avidly
You must write something profound
Everything must be formatted perfectly
Part of the reason I began this Blog was to get some of my personal writing theories and experiences out into the open. These posts will be know as my 'Creative Writing 101' posts. Now, a little bit of information before you bite my head off: That term, ‘Creative writing 101’ is a loaded term; And I’ll let you in on a little secret by saying that in all actuality, *Grabs the nearest megaphone* There IS NO formula to writing. If there were, we’d all be the next J.R.R. Tolkein or Stephen King. However here you will be able to slowly begin to piece the puzzle together and start to open up yourself to more and more ideas of how to help your writing as well as help others with their writing.
Every one of these is up for discussion on any level. Disagree with me? Cool, comment about it. I want to hear all points of view about the creative writing process. I have never published a novel, and will not pretend to know all of the ins and outs of the creative muses. A lot of my theory stems from personal experience coupled with advice I have received from seasoned veterans of the literary world. Take what you will of it, and yes! please discuss it!
Now for some elaboration on the above, I would like to bring to the table some 'pointers' regarding story lines.
Use the time of a total stranger in a way that [s]he will not feel the time was wasted
Start as close to the end as possible.
Write to please yourself first!
Give details and background! Make the reader feel as if they are part of the action, part of the story.
Literary agents are your friends (no, not the kind that you pay). Metaphors, allusions, even hyperbole, they are there to make your writing better. Use them.
To keep your writing from becoming dry and boring, use sentences of differing length. It keeps the flow from tricking to obscurity or washing away a reader in a flood or run-on sentences.
Avoid Clichés like the plague. Unless it’s intended to sound that way.
Research! Research, Research, Research!! Especially when it comes to Non-fiction. You should know every detail that you can about what you are writing about.
Questions? comments? let me know! I will elaborate as best I can in every way I can.
for now, Cheers!
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